
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Social Media

A couple great videos to get you thinking.

Why do we connect?  I know I do this simply to try to help other people grow and develop.  This also challenges me to think of new ways to interact with the world around me.  I want to be a better teacher and leader.  How can I do that without reflecting and conversing about what's best for kids, what's best for education.  I just can't make an impact on the world, thinking and interacting only locally.  We have to as a society be willing to put ourselves out there and take a risk.  RIght now I have two followers, two people that check this blog.  Who knows where this blog may lead, who it may inspire, who it may help.  That's why I connect!

Why Do We Connect? from Shelly Terrell on Vimeo.

Thank you SHELLY!

Need a connection to use Twitter, find out how here!

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