
Friday, December 10, 2010

5 for Friday 12/10/10

12/10/10 Top items recorded from twitter and my google reader:

I use to think, now I know….. a few more from Lyn's great blog post:

I used to think my good ideas should stay in my classroom. (I worked hard developing those lessons!) 
Now I know more students will benefit from the expertise of teachers who share. (Collective genius. Sharing is caring.)

I used to think I never had enough time. (Lesson plans…grading papers…surviving…) 
Now I know it’s important to work smarter, not harder. (Make time for the things that matter most.) 

I used to think a child who scored poorly on an assessment didn’t study hard enough. (They had a study guide one week in advance! What is the deal with that kid?) 
Now I know a student who doesn’t perform well on an assessment does not have the problem. (The teacher does.) 

To read the whole blog post (and steal my thunder) or to comment on Lyn's post (she is awesome!) go to:

Here are your TOP 5 resources of the week!

Teachers network:  The place to find out about grants, lesson plans, pd, etc, seems pretty cool..

12 great free video tutorial sites to brush up your tech skills

Assessment Do’s and Don’ts: I needed to be reminded of a few of these.

Instapaper – This application allows you to bookmark something to read later.  When working between computers and mobile devices this tool is a great assistant.

Inside the Bullied brain - Why we can't overlook bullying in schools.

Video of the week:
Differentiation: Charting a course - This is a great video on differentiation.

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