
Sunday, December 19, 2010

5 for Friday 12/17/10

I use to think...

Here are your items from Lyn's blog post…I love these…
I used to think sitting down with a parent was scary. (They’re older than me! They’re parents, for crying out loud! What could I possibly know that they don’t?) 
Now I know talking with parents about their children is enlightening and meaningful. (Parents are tremendous assets to every school.) 

I used to think in-services were an opportunity for me to address my staff about important issues. (If I’m going to wear a suit to work, I may as well stand up in front of you with this PowerPoint presentation!) 
Now I know that I am not comfortable spending 6 hours of the day leading professional development sessions in which teachers have little ownership. (Let them lead the way)

If you are interested in reading the rest of her blog, check it out here:

Your top 5 resources

When you fail I fail - This blog post really made me think as we were completion the final assessments in science.

Useless but fun:  website for play.  It changes the pixels on the screen into digital sand.  I'll be honest, I played it for almost 20 minutes.  I'm a dork
for more information check out their blog:

Free sound effects (for when the Activboard actually works and makes sounds)

10 ways to make comic strips online - What projects can you chain to make them comic strips?  I'm trying to find some now.

10 steps to breaking the ban on cell phones in schools -  Some of you know I'm huge "Bring your own technology" person and having cell phones in the classroom, when used appropriately, can be a great resource to adding tech to the classroom, after all, there's an app for that!

Your Video of the week

Assessment and grading in the differentiated classroom:  WOW, great videos, thoughts, ideas, lesson, study guides, articles.  Just WOW!  You need to register to gain access but the registration is free.

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