
Friday, January 14, 2011

5 for Friday 1/14/11

The link is the Twitter Chat schedule.  If you are ever interested in jointing a twitter chat, I'd be happy to meet up with you and show you how it's done so we can tweet together!

Your 5 resources for this week:

How to create self grading quizzes in google docs.  (This is one of those things that makes technology worth it and you see a bright light from above and a light shining down from the heavens while angels sing)

Corkboard Me is sort of a Wallwisher-like-page ( that is even simpler to use but has less features. You just paste virtual sticky-notes on a virtual bulletin board. Great for students to collaborate around a topic or interact easily on a topic.  Just give the the URL and watch them interact.

The best of the best on the web.  Hands down!

Convert to Cartoon is a simple little website that takes your photos and adds cartoon effects to them. It's quite similar to service called Be Funky ( Which for some reason is blocked by our firewall) that's previously been reviewed on Free Technology for Teachers ( To cartoonize your photos just upload them or provide the url, upload, or take a picture and click "cartoonize now." When the cartoonizing is done you can download your images to reuse anywhere you like.

Chinese top in tests but still have lots to learn:  fascinating look from NPR

Video of the week:

The 3 A’s of Awesome:  Motivational and mind changing discussion of overcoming adversity.  I was really motivated and inspired by this video.  Just A-A-A-AWESOME!

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