
Friday, January 7, 2011

5 for Friday 1/7/11

Welcome to 2011!

So every week I read my google reader, participate in a few chats on Twitter and find great resources.  Currently I'm pulling form a 9 page list of resources and filtering those out to find the best of the best for each week.  I am not a huge one on resolutions but there are some really great resources here:  Resolve to check them out!

Your Top 5 resources I found this past week(and over break)

This is a favorite:  Homework, Homework, Homework, I love this challenge for teachers.  I've been really struggling with assigning not only the right homework, but the right amount of homework.  Some great thoughts here:

If you don't know what Web 2.0 is, or you want to know more here is a free Web 2.0 Ebook for educators:  A must have for all grade levels

Should I blog?  Blogging is a great way to reflect, grow and get better as a teacher, if you are wondering if you should blog or not, use this to help you answer that question:

The Web is filled with great resources to wrap up 2010, here are a few I like:
20 things that became obsolete in 2010

Teacher goals for a great 2011

Your Video of the week:

Essential Life skills for kids – Marshmallow test (I thought about doing this with my 6th graders, I guarantee some/most my students would fail....what does that say?)

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