
Friday, April 8, 2011

Pre-PD day Top 10 4/8/11

For those of you outside my district we have a web 2.0 PD day coming up on April 15th.

To prepare for this day we brainstormed lists of Web 2.0 Items and then gave each teacher a set of dots.  Dots were placed on butcher paper next to the web 2.0 items they were most interested in learning about.  From here I created a top 10, gather presenters and reserved spaces.

We will have 15 minute sessions and have time for teachers to interact with the presenters afterword to gain further understand and depth.  We're calling this activity "SPEED GEEKING" it's set up similar to speed dating :-).

To prepare for our PD day we're creating here a list of resources for before and after our PD day to access whenever needed.  If you have more resources that fit into these categories please share them through the comments below!

Here goes!

TOP 10 resource for April 15th PD day.

1. Google docs

A guide to going Google

Good tutorial


2. Prezi

Video Tutorials:

3. Edmodo

Blog post about Edmodo as well as Diipo, another site very similar

Video tutorials

4. Dropbox
The complete DROPBOX for educators.

12 popular Mac Apps you can Sync with dropbox

Advanced users can drop music into your dropbox and use droptunes

5. Videos into activInspire

Video tutorials:

6. Webpage authoring

Got nothing on this one.  I taught myself as I went.

If you want to talk about Blogs, I have three I manage. :-)

7. Digital storytelling

Educational uses of digital storytelling

Depending what you want to do there are ton's of resources

8. Voicethread
Using Voicethread for interactive projects

9. ActivInspire

also see 5 above.

I'm adding a 10th that I think is pretty cool it's called livebinders
I LOVE, love, love livebinders.  Here’s a great take on how one teacher uses it.

BONUS video:
The History of Educational technology - Great video to springboard into our PD day

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