
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

8 Shifts needed for the 21st century learner

I watched Will Richardson's video (@willrich45) from MSDC (which was AWESOME) and tried to summ up his overall ideas here.  Links to resources are below:

Overall Ideas:

Networked classroom is very different than the traditional classrooms.

Conversation should change to being about learning, instead of schools.

How is learning changing?

  • Teachers CAN come in all shapes and sizes, as long as you can bring them into your world.
  • Kids today will never lose their friends (facebook and social networking).
  • My kids aren’t going to be living our "old" life.  Kids today have BILLIONS OF OPPORTUNITIES.  We shouldn't filter it or not give them the opportunities.
  • Even though NO ONE is asking you to change…..are you changing to a 21st century teacher?
8 Shifts Needed

1. Teach kids to talk to strangers.  Depending on the time/place, it’s not that unsafe.  Kids that get in trouble online, get in trouble off-line.

2. Build a G portfolio – What is your online presence?  Public is the new default.  People WILL be googling you! Put in any phrase, word, idea, person’s name, Should be one of our goals for students to be “googled well” by the time they leave? subscribe to to IMPROVE your online presence.

3. Create a Digital Paperchain – 750 pieces of paper at a tech conference.  We need to adjust to a world that DOESN’T rely on paper.  Think GROUPON and Apps. (There's an App for your paper.)

4. Students need to learn information management: 21st century students need to be able to manage analyze and synthesize multiple streams of information.  We live in a world of PULL instead of push, we teach in a world of PUSH.  How can we adjust? (Teaching the Jung blog post).  We need to teach students how to particpate WITH the information.  It can no longer be about content.

5. Kids need to be good crap detectors.  Walter Cronkite’s “and that’s the way it is” doesn’t exist anymore.  You can’t believe everything you see, read, hear, etc.  Howard Reingold (CRAP detection 101 BLOG), who do you trust, who’s an authority.  Social Capital, how valuable are your interactions within a network.  How Google RANKS – amount of links to and from a webpage.

6. Follow your passions.  If you are going into the learning world, follow your passion.  New standards:  Model for 21st century learner.  provide personalized learning instead of a one-size fits-all curriculum.

7. SHIFT to LEARNing.  It’s not about teaching, it’s about learning.  Learning is not an event it’s something that is ongoing.  It’s NOT about knowing things, it’s about HOW to learn.  Kahn academy mission to provide HIGH-quality education to ANYONE, ANYWHERE!  Learning HAS to be learn how to ….. BEFORE you come to the workshop.  We can’t have people wait for the content in a content rich society.  Value of schools is WHAT DO YOU DO with that knowledge.

Cool resources:
Dweeber, social homework and collaborating tool:
Game playing standardized test prep:

8. Solve Problems: Cretively, patiently.  Kids today don’t experience much failure.  We don’t teach kids how to “fail” well.  How can we kids to be okay with ambiguity, struggle, and patience.  “Build relationships with others to pose and solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally.”  

How will we change?

  • Realize BIG change happens incrementally
  • We need a growth mindset
  • Education needs to be viewed as a process, not an acquisition of content.
  • Those who use technology are more likely to advance.

Presentation slides here:
conversation here:

MSDC Will Richardson Fall 2010 from msdc-mn on Vimeo.

Impact slides:

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