
Monday, February 21, 2011

Teacher Evaluation: Part 1

I have been exposed to a number of meetings, readings and conversations recently around teacher evaluation and the teacher evaluation process.  I thought about covering that over the next few blog posts.  Here's blog post number 1:

Ideas surrounding Teacher Evaluation:

Effective leadership requires
  • For administrators - Communication, Visibility and Accessibility
  • For teachers - Commitment to collaboration

Administrators in their role as educational leaders:

  • Build a common vision, language and knowledge base.
  • Focus on learning not teaching.
  • Establish a climate of trust.
  • Get into the classroom for formal and informal observations.
  • Always leave a note for the teacher after being in their room.
  • Provide a weekly e-mail to the whole staff communicating generalities about what was observed.
  • Ensure professional development that is job embedded, highly effective and spreads best practices.
  • Create a curriculum leadership team that includes teachers, community members, instructional coaches, and administrators.
  • Share observation and evaluation responsibility to a team of educational leaders.
  • Create effective instructional leadership through conditions that allow teachers to be successful, finding ways to monitor progress, providing feedback, and celebrating successes.
  • Are committed learners and are humble enough to support teachers and not speak from a pedestal.
  • Are lead learners and model learning for others.
  • Show support for teachers by carving out time during the day for teachers to collaborate.
  • Analyze data from a variety of sources to identify overarching achievement goals and drive important efforts within and across content areas.
  • Have strong knowledge of research-based, student-centered instructional methods and model the use of these strategies every opportunity you can.
Cartoon credit:
Idea Credit:
  • Tomorrows leaders of our community meeting – Teacher evaluation: Chris Lindquist
  • ASCD article – Evaluations that help teachers learn
  • ASCD Education Update Vol 52 no.12 – Teaming up to lead instruction

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