
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Teacher Evaluation: Part 2

Creating the right climate

  • Clear goals and expectations for student achievement and classroom instruction.
  • Formats and structures for regular teacher interaction. (keep in mind that structures must be in place, training must have been completed so that this interaction is proactive and productive and not detrimental to the school community).
  • Formalized process for sustained professional development to ensure all staff have the skills necessary to attain goals.
  • Systems for formally monitoring and evaluating progress.
  • Allocation of resources to accomplish goals.
  • Collective, shared leadership to ensure goals and expectations are met.
  • Clearly articulated data-driven goals for student achievement and classroom instruction requiring the use of research-based strategies.
Image Credit:


  • Tomorrows leaders of our community meeting – Teacher evaluation: Chris Lindquist
  • ASCD article – Evaluations that help teachers learn
  • ASCD Education Update Vol 52 no.12 – Teaming up to lead instruction

1 comment:

  1. I'm putting together a list of the top 100 high school/secondary school teacher blogs and your site was recommended by another blogger on the list. I was wondering if I could interview you via e-mail so I could include more information in my article. Please e-mail me at and include the title of your blog in the e-mail, thank you!!
