
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teacher Evaluation: Part 3

Continuing some thoughts I've been having about teacher evaluation brought me to think about the process.  All the steps along the way of being "observed and evaluated", those we as teachers or administrators often overlook.  The word evaluate seems to set up an us vs. them mentality, there must be a better way to describe the process of working alongside teachers to improve student achievement.  Here are some thoughts on the process...

  • Discuss the lesson goals and objectives.
  • Discuss the instructional strategies and activities.
  • Discuss the plan for assessing student achievement.
  • Make sure there are a prescribed set of questions aimed at forming administrator understanding of the complete lesson.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: review the process, communicate the process, communicate expectations of the process

Planned observation
  • Plan the time over the duration of the lesson (might be a couple of days) to see introduction to closure.
  • Script the lesson. (This is a HOT topic right now it seems everyone has their own way of doing it, I don't know if I've found "my way" yet, but I'm not sure writing feverishly everything that is said in the classroom will cause me to miss something that may be more valuable)
  • Document times for each transition.
  • Use a format that is easy for you to write comments.
  • Write down every question the teacher asks (cross reference later for DOK).
  • Number times a student is called on.
  • Document wait time.
  • Document gender/ethnic background of students called on.
  • Document strategies used to reach students who are unresponsive.
  • Use of probing  to elicit higher level responses.
  • Classroom environment
  • Number of students engaged
  • Seating arrangements
  • Collaborative groups and how they are determined
  • Stimulus in the room
  • Closure or recap of learning goals

Don't leave the observation room until key facts have been documented and feedback has been e-mailed to the observe.

Post observation
  • Allow teacher time to reflect on the lesson to facilitate meaningful conversation.
  • Copy script and give one to the teacher (script conversation again).
  • Complete instrument based on planned observation.
  • Create leading questions to open conversation.

  • Tomorrows leaders of our community meeting – Teacher evaluation: Chris Lindquist
  • ASCD article – Evaluations that help teachers learn
  • ASCD Education Update Vol 52 no.12 – Teaming up to lead instruction

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