
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Art and Science of Teaching: Chapter 6

This chapter is by far the area where I am the least strong.  I do not make great rules, I'm not really a great "rule follower" which I guess makes me a not great rule maker.  I do, however, L-O-V-E procedures.  I love routines and being able to automate my class to the point where kids know what to do when and the whole room runs like clockwork.

I only have two rules for my classroom:

1.  Accept any offer
2.  Make your partner look good.

These are two of the essential rules for improve as noted in this video:

When it comes to procedures, I feel like I have tons and students just seem to figure it out.  I take a great deal of time the first week.  I allow students to look around the room in a 10 minute no-holds-barred activity I call "Snoop Doggy Dog."  This is followed by a discussion about what was found.  I then take the students on a tour of the room.  We literally get up and walk the room like a tour guide.  I show them everything and anything and explain when and where we have things in the room.  I even go down to the point of explaining why I hung a picture in a certain location.  This helps communicate and explain all of my procedures.

While reading chapter 6 here were my highlights:

  • Students need rules to keep learning efficient
  • Don't be afraid of devoting time to teaching rules, practicing procedures and revising as the year continues
  • Rules and procedures need revising throughout the year.
  • Rules and procedures are best revised by having a weekly class meeting to discuss progress and process.
  • Classroom management receives top rating amongst all things that impact student achievement in the classroom.
  • Rules and procedures are best determined at the beginning fo the year.
  • "effective teachers spend a great deal of time establishing rules and procedures."
  • Students who have rules at home score "10 percentile points higher"
  • It is important to explain WHY you have a rule or a procedure
  • Be flexible with your rules and allow students to give input to change them.
  • "five to eight rules and procedures"
  • Create, Interact, review, meet about the rules
We have been recently looking into PBIS for our rules.  Here are ours.

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