
Friday, August 10, 2012

Communicating the "why"

I'm starting a new position in a new district as the Science and Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator.

This is VERY exciting!  Also very stressful.  (see my post on my complexion)

One thing I'm struggling with understanding is the "why" behind what we do.  I'm wondering if we communicate that enough.

We start every year with good intentions and lofty goals.  Do we ever communicate why we made those goals?  Often not.

I am working hard this year to not only put together a seamless plan but also communicate the why and how we will move.  I'm very focused on communicating not only the what, the how, but most importantly the WHY.  Also determining how we will know we've arrived....

Below I posted my WORKING DRAFT!  of our work this year.  Please feel free to give feedback and offer support.  I would also love to connect with other people doing this same work so don't be afraid to find me on twitter (cmcgee200 or wgsdsciss

Working Draft of Mission/Vision - The Why...

The mission of the Science and Social Studies Curriculum is to instill in each student a passion for learning and the skills to solve global issues.  This will be accomplished by creating systems that meet the unique needs of each student through high expectations, innovative strategies, and partnerships with parents/community while increasing teacher engagement within the content.

Determine common storage availability Server? Workgroup?

1.  MAP/EOC data as rated by dese
2.  Local summative assessment data (Quarterly) as rated by educators
3.  Ability for teachers to accurately personalize instruction (differentiation) as rated by survey
4.  Comfort of teaching Sci/SS as rated by teacher survey

Action Plan:
Phase 1: AST (Art and Science of Teaching) Chapter 1, 6, 10
Write curriculum map of content/skill
Write Learning goals referencing CCSS/GLE
Build database of activities/choices
Build database of Youtube videos, DVDs, United Streaming, websites
- THROUGH “LET” document

Phase 2:
Identify our essential vocabulary K-12
Identify essential questions
How will we track student progress
connect goals to GLE, SMS, and CCSS through highlighting/dotting

Phase 3: AST Chapter 2, 3
Determine scoring guide for goals
Determine activities by goal

Step 4: AST chapter 4
Write Assessment and scoring guide
Determine how report data/performance
Item analysis
Goal analysis

Phase 5: AST Chapter 10
revise/review how to grade assessment
Connect vertical alignment of concepts

Phase 6: AST Chapter 1, 3, 5, 9
How will we know if they “get it” (revise scoring guide?) (exemplars)
How are we tracking progress? Can we improve that?
What is effective feedback?
improve report results

Phase 7: AST Chapter 9
How to Pre-Assess knowledge and differentiate experiences
Reevaluate key vocabulary
Determine Anchor activities/projects/experiences
How are we giving feedback?

Phase 8: AST Chapter 6
Discuss and investigate grading practices
Discuss plan and proposition for revising grading resources
Discuss personalized learning
Improving Feedback

Phase 9:
Revise and improve

Factors impacting our progress
1.  Numbers on team
2.  Commitment to goal
3.  Fi/T = momentum (F=focus, i=intensity OVER time)
4.  ?????

Presentation Ideas:
About me
This i Believe = Tom Cruise
Hope = having something new to try and being willing to try it

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