Monday, June 20, 2011

Advanced Communications Assignment: E-mail guidelines

As part of my advanced communications class I have been working with my central office personell to create guidelines in technology to help teacher and staff be more successful.  Here's a draft of my e-mail guidelines.  I will post the final version when it is finished:

Google Doc: E-mail guidelines

E-mail Communication guidelines
The Kirkwood School District provides for electronical mail for the purpose of enhancing communication amoung faculty, staff as well as providing a tool to support school and community relations.

When using your e-mail account consider if the communication pass the TAP Test.
Electronic communication with faculty, staff, students and community should always be Transparent, Accessible and Professional as defined below:

1. The communication is transparent. – Remember ALL electronic communication should be transparent. As a public school district, we are expected to maintain openness, visibility and accountability with regards to all communications. 

2. The communication is accessible. – Remember electronic communication should be considered matter of record, part of the District archives, and/or is accessible by others i.e. parents, administration, community, board of education. 

3. The communication is professional. – Remember ALL electronic communication should be written as a professional representing KSD. This includes word choices, tone, grammar and subject matter that model the standards and integrity of a KSD professional.   Always choose words that are courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike in manner.

Helpful reminders:

·      Keep your messages short and to the point.
·      Only use your account to communicate with students and parents.
·      A professional e-mail should include a salutation and a complimentary close.
·      Create informative e-mail headings.
·      Refrain from sending any information that may be deemed as confidential.
·      Do not use all capital letters as the reader may interpret you as SHOUTING.
·      Avoid large or unnecessary attachments.
·      Reply to e-mails as soon as possible.  In the world we live in today e-mail is expected to be returned within 24 hours.
·      Never argue in an e-mail.  Pick up the phone.
·      Tone, sarcasm and jokes are never communicated correctly and can be misconstrued.
·      When discussing items of a sensitive nature, it is better to discuss face to face.
·      Refrain from using “Reply All” unless your response is pertinent to all people listed on e-mail.
·      Ensure the reply you are sending is being sent to the intended parties.
·      Do not forward district information outside of district personnel.
·      Refrain from advertising events, items, or services that do not pertain to school business.
·      If you feel angry or passionate about a subject, it may not be the time to share your thoughts in a post.  You should delay posting until you are calm and clear-headed.
·      Thoroughly spell and grammar check your content before you post.  Citizens expect that education employees set a good example when they write and speak in public.  It is important that you correct any errors as soon as you can.
·      Do no send an e-mail to the entire district without prior approval from supervisor.
·      A user is responsible for all e-mail originating from the user’s e-mail account.
·      Forgery or attempted forgery of e-mail messages is illegal and is prohibited.
·      Unauthorized attempts to read, delete, copy or modify e-mail of other users are prohibited.
·      Attempts at sending unsolicited spam, for-profit messages, or chain letters are prohibited.
·      All users must adhere to the same standards for communicating electronically that are expected in the classroom and that are consistent with district policies and procedures.
·      Users must obtain permission from the superintendent or designee before sending any district wide e-mail messages.
·      If you chose a signature line make sure it is simple, text only, and professional in appearance and content.

Remember all e-mail communication are subject to the board policy EHB-AP and the acceptable use policies of the KSD.  All electronic mail communication may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including local, state or federal law enforcement.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Classroom Movie Poster

I saw this slide the other day during an AWESOME SimpleK12 webinar and it got me thinking:

If your students had to create a movie poster for your class, what would it say?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Top 10 resources for 6/2/11

I missed a week of posting with the shutting down of school for the summer.  I got carried away with the packing of stuff to move my classroom and totally lost track of posting.  With that, it's summer time and the focus has shifted.  

A question to consider for summer.  How do you keep the learning and sharing momentum without built in colleagues you see every day?

Top 10 resources

10. Open letter to teachers
9. Inside the google teacher academy from Sydney
8. Collect videos and build playlists
7. I love this comments to this post.  Filters in school, meh
6. Netspeak - when you are searching for that word you are missing

5. Webdoc looks like a very cool and useful resource for student and classroom blogging
4.  (should have made this number 1 for all my scientists out there) Science on the Simpsons

3. Increase student achievement, have students help make your lesson relevant

2. 20 Web 2.0 tools for teachers
1. Homework, except in math, a complete waste of time (Made me say WOW!)

Videos of the week

7 videos that WILL ignite discussion

Sixty Symbols – Videos about physics and astronomy

Project Based Learning explained:

Larry Smith wants to know your story. Since 2006, Smith has undertaken the Six-Word Memoir Project inviting his Smith Magazine readers to tell their live stories in just six words.  There are some really inspiration thoughts here
Changing classroom relationships:  A great resource for all grade levels...

How do you model? Great video that addresses the core of learning success.  Ask yourself, what would you say, what would your students say.

GREAT SUMMER PD! 30 goals challenge for educators by the great Shelly Terell