Our reactions have become a habit.
I recently was reading this:
Then again came across this podcast about habit. Learn more about habit here.
But do we ever analyze the way we react?
Have we even thought about whether we'd react the same way if we were given new opportunities?
Imagine this:
A kid is misbehaving in class.
The kids misbehaving are the stimulus. The black box, being the thought process happening in our brain based on habit. This leads to a response
That stimulus typically leads to a response from the teacher. The teacher can:
- discipline the student
- reteach expectations
- redirect the students
- ignore the stimulus
- send the student out of the class
- etc.
What if we imagined a different school? What if we projected how they might behave, what their responses might be? What if we taught differently? What if we thought differently...
Imagine the staff of "THE SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE" (I know cheesy).
But how would the teachers at that school respond to stimulus?
If we can examine the habits we have, we may be able to analyze possible solutions and the adjacent possible solutions that impact our kids.
What we do an how quick we react impacts students.
Take some time to list stimuli that happen today, how did you react to it? Would the staff of this fictional school react differently?
Time to form some new habits....